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Sometimes you just need a break from the children. Adult summer getaways let you enjoy your vacation without children whether they are your own or not. There are plenty of resorts and spas that understand your needs to be alone. Now you just need to learn how to find those places and what to expect when you get there. Here are some tips to make sure you end up with exactly what you are wanting in an adult summer getaway:
Define Children
You really have to set your parameters here. Many resorts advertise that they are adult only resorts, but actually allow children. You won’t have to deal with crying babies or toddlers running rampant. On the other hand, you may be subject to the fast talking teen chatter and constant texting that teens do. Some adult only resorts consider children 13 and older to be adult enough to attend the resorts. Even if you like teenagers, you may not want to be around them while trying to enjoy your adult time.
Be sure to find out the exact age requirements before you sign up to go to a spa or resort that may not be what you think it is.